Containerization setup
1. Wave templates
Wave template under Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave templates
Here, add containerization method to the wave template. Additionally, enter a wave step code for the added method. This code will be used later below.

Please also note that it is possible to add the containerization method multiple times and assign different wave step codes for each. In order to do so you will need to set this method to repeatable in the Wave process methods form first however.
2. Container types
Container types under Warehouse management > Setup > Containers > Container types
You can define your containers in the container types form. Here you configure the physical dimensions of containers including tare weight, maximum weight, length, width, height, etc.. In this example we have three different sizes of boxes. See below.

2. Container groups
Container group setup under Warehouse management > Setup > Containers > Container groups
You can include a set of container types in a group.

Please note that when containerization is processed for a selected container group with more than one (multiple) containers, D365FO will determine which container is the best fit for the goods to be packed. This is executed by following a “downsize” logic. What does that mean? That means, for each container that is found in the group and that meets the requirement (volume, weight, etc.), D365FO will attempt to find a smaller container that also fits and tries that to “downsized” into a smaller container. For this to function correctly and as expected, it’s essential that you order the containers in a container group by size, from large to small.
3. Container build template

Container build template under Warehouse management > Setup > Containers > Container build template
The container build template is the essential setup for this functionality. Each container build template defines one containerization process that will be used by a wave template. Edit the query for example if you want to run this only for specific customers, products, or warehouses, etc.

The wave step code that we set prior above on wave template will now get referenced here. This is how a container build template is linked to the wave template, so when a wave is executed, it will determine which container build template(s) to use to initiate containerization. We also set the container group ID what aids D365FO to evaluate and select certain containers during the process.

The container mixing constraint allows you to add fields by which you want the system to split the items into a new container. Here, e.g. by item number. Note be default, containers always break by shipmentID.
Item physical dimensions
On the released products form we choose A0001 and A0002 and add physical dimensions.


Work templates
Here, we have a work template that takes items directly to baydoor, and not to a packing location, which is different than the manual packing flow.

Location directive pick
See below the pick location directive setup.

Location directive put
See below the put location directive setup.

Lastly, Let's check TMS parms.

Containerization process:
Now that the necessary setup is done, we’ll work through an easy outbound process that uses containerization to build up a single-level container structure.
Source document - Sales order for A001 and A0002 items and warehouse 63:

Assume that we have enough on-hand inventory for both items and all sales lines have been reserved. If not add via movement journal and expense to a expense main account.
For both lines separately, select the line and reserve via Inventory/Reservation on the SO line.


The load is automatically created as of TMS parms set up. Under the loads, find and select the load that was created make sure the load template ID is assigned. Otherwise, you will receive a error when releasing to warehouse. (here: 40 container) Now release to warehouse.

Operation went through successfully and generated wave/work.

Based on the wave template setup, this should now create, process, and then release the wave. Regarding containerization, the following is executed: First, the container build template with matching wave step code on the wave template is selected and then the query criteria of the template is checked for the current allocation line. If met, the system starts processing the template to create containers for the allocation line. That said, it first checks the physical dimensions of the item and the allowed values for the containers. D365FO will try to rotate the item along the z axis when downsizing.
As a next step, let's check the shipments and containers under WM/Shipments/All Shipments and View containers - The containers are created.

Confirm that the items from the sales order were containerized into 3 different containers on shipments form.

As a next step, we check the work that was created.

3 picks from different locations as of containerization quantities and containerization logic set up further above and one put to baydoor.

As a next step, we leverage the AWM application and process the work above.

We scan the workID and pick the item.

We repeat the process for item 2 and 3.

Lastly, we perform put work and place all 3 picked items to baydoor

After the work is completed, the status of containers will be automatically updated to Closed, which is different from the manual packing flow where you need to manually mark containers as closed.

See that containers are closed.

Now, we confirm the outbound shipment
